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Earlier than usual...

Thought I'd get an early start this week on the Blog Special!

From June 29 (Monday) to July 3, 12.00 p.m (Friday) ONLY we will have the following Blog Special:

For EVERY Ingenue and/or Premium Custom Trio set you buy, you get four free baggie samples!!!

So for example...

If you buy one Ingenue Custom Trio Eyeshadow Brush set, you'll get four samples of your choice---

If you buy two Ingenue Custom Trio Eyeshadow Brush sets, you'll get eight samples of your choice---

If you buy two Ingenue Custom Trio Eyeshadow Brush sets and one Premium Trio Eyeshadow Brush set, you'll get twelve samples of your choice! (You get the picture!!!)

Make sure to type in your color choices in the box near the "Add to Cart" button so we know what samples to send you. **As with our other sampling rule, no more than two of the same sample eyecolor allowed per customer.

CLICK HERE to get to the hidden listing. :)

Oh, and as an FYI, I may *not* have a Blog Special next week. If all goes well, my plan is to put up some of my inexpensive "'Grab Bag' Baggies Samples" and also some pre-selected full-sized LE eyeshadow trios/duos of colors that have been discontinued for a Clearance price--so that will actually be the special of the week if the other thing I have ordered to complement that gets here in time.

Just wanted to let you all know in case you were one of the unlucky ones that always seem to miss the "Grab Bag" sales as they usually go fast. I think last time, I sold out in about 1-2 days? So stay on alert for those either next week or the week after next!

Hope you all had a blessed weekend!

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